
Birdwatchers refer to it as (and I swear I’m not making this up) “Jizz”: the general characteristics that form an overall impression of a thing.

Walking through the forests of the Pacific Northwest, a birder would know a nighthawk from other little brown jobs from its distinct vocalization, or a grey-cheeked thrush by its white-dark-white underwing pattern. Looking up in the sky, there’d be no mistaking a Flying-V formation of migratory geese from the undulating murmuration of starlings. And while a twitcher would be forgiven for mistaking a coot for a duck at the water’s edge, their scaley, non-webbed feet are an obvious tell to an ornithophile.

The usefulness of jizz isn’t limited to amateur ornithology, either. We can distinguish varieties of programming languages based on their defining characteristics: Go with its tell-tale couplets of if err, Rust with its unpronounceable, consonant-laden keywords, pub, fn, and mut, Perl with its special characters that read like Q*bert swearing. Lisp’s profusion of parentheses is an old cliché at this point; our favorite telling is that one joke about the stolen last page of a Lisp program’s printed source code.

              ) )
            ))) ) ))
      )))) ))
    )))) ))

If we were to go code-watching for the elusive Objective-C species, what would we look for? Square brackets, ridiculously long method names, and @’s.

@, or “at” sign compiler directives, are as central to understanding Objective-C’s gestalt as its ancestry and underlying mechanisms. Those little cinnamon roll glyphs are the sugary glue that allows Objective-C to be such a powerful, expressive language, and yet still compile down to C. So varied and disparate are its uses that the only accurate way to describe what @ means on its own is “shorthand for something to do with Objective-C”. They cover a broad range in usefulness and obscurity, from staples like @interface and @implementation to ones you could go your whole career without spotting, like @defs and @compatibility_alias. But to anyone aspiring to be an NSHipster, knowledge of every @ directives is tantamount to a birder’s familiarity with the frenetic hovering of a hummingbird, the commanding top knot of a Mountain quail, or the eponymous “cuckoo” of Coccyzus americanus.

Interface & Implementation

@interface and @implementation are the first things you encounter when you start learning Objective-C:

// MyObject.h
@interface MyObject


// MyObject.m
@implementation MyObject


What you don’t learn about until later on are categories and class extensions.

Categories allow you to extend the behavior of existing classes by adding new class or instance methods. As a convention, categories are defined in their own .{h,m} files:

// MyObject+CategoryName.h
@interface MyObject (CategoryName)
  - (void)foo;
  - (BOOL)barWithBaz:(NSInteger)baz;

// MyObject+CategoryName.m
@implementation MyObject (CategoryName)
  - (void)foo {

  - (BOOL)barWithBaz:(NSInteger)baz {
    return YES;

Categories are particularly useful for convenience methods on standard framework classes (just don’t go overboard with your utility functions).

Extensions look like categories but omit the category name. They’re typically declared before an @implementation to specify a private interface or override properties declared in the public interface:

// MyObject.m
@interface MyObject ()
@property (readwrite, nonatomic, strong) NSString *name;
- (void)somePrivateMethod;

@implementation MyObject



Property directives are likewise, learned early on:

Declares a class or instance property.
Automatically synthesizes getter / setter methods to an underlying instance or class variable for a declared property.
Instructs the compiler that you’ll provide your own implementation for property getter and/or setter methods.

Property Attributes

@property declarations comprise their own little sub-phylum of syntax, with attributes for specifying:

  • Accessor names (getter / setter)
  • Access types (readwrite / readonly)
  • Atomicity (atomic / nonatomic)
  • Nullability (nullable / nonnullable / null_resettable)
  • Ownership (weak / strong / copy / retain / assign / unsafe_unretained)

And that’s not all — there’s also the class attribute, which lets you declare a class property using the same, familiar instance property syntax, as well as the forthcoming direct attribute, which will let you opt in to direct method dispatch.

Forward Class Declarations

Occasionally, @interface declarations will reference an external type in a property or as a parameter. Rather than adding an #import statement in the interface, you can use a forward class declaration in the header and import the necessary in the implementation.

Creates a forward declaration, allowing a class to be referenced before its actual declaration.

Shorter compile times, less chance of cyclical references; you should get in the habit of doing this if you aren’t already.

Instance Variable Visibility

It’s a matter of general convention that classes provide state and mutating interfaces through properties and methods, rather than directly exposing ivars. Nonetheless, in cases where ivars are directly manipulated, there are the following visibility directives:

Instance variable can be read and written to directly using the following notation:
object->_ivar = 
Instance variable is public, except outside of the framework in which it is specified (64-bit architectures only)
Instance variable is only accessible to its class and derived classes
Instance variable is only accessible to its class
@interface Person : NSObject {
  NSString *name;
  int age;

  int salary;


There’s a distinct point early in an Objective-C programmer’s evolution when they realize that they can define their own protocols.

The beauty of protocols is that they let you design contracts that can be adopted outside of a class hierarchy. It’s the egalitarian mantra at the heart of the American Dream: It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from; anyone can achieve anything if they work hard enough.

@protocol@end defines a set of methods to be implemented by any conforming class, as if they were added to the interface of that class directly.

Architectural stability and expressiveness without the burden of coupling? Protocols are awesome.

Requirement Options

You can further tailor a protocol by specifying methods as required or optional. Optional methods are stubbed in the interface, so as to be auto-completed in Xcode, but do not generate a warning if the method isn’t implemented. Protocol methods are required by default.

The syntax for @required and @optional follows that of the visibility macros:

@protocol CustomControlDelegate
  - (void)control:(CustomControl *)control didSucceedWithResult:(id)result;
  - (void)control:(CustomControl *)control didFailWithError:(NSError *)error;

Exception Handling

Objective-C communicates unexpected state primarily through NSError. Whereas other languages would use exception handling for this, Objective-C relegates exceptions to truly exceptional behavior.

@ directives are used for the traditional convention of try/catch/finally blocks:

  // attempt to execute the following statements
  [self getValue:&value error:&error];

  // if an exception is raised, or explicitly thrown...
  if (error) {
    @throw exception;
} @catch(NSException *e) {
} @finally {
  // always executed after @try or @catch
  [self cleanup];


Literals are shorthand notation for specifying fixed values, and their availability in a language is directly correlated with programmer happiness. By that measure, Objective-C has long been a language of programmer misery.

Object Literals

For years, Objective-C only had literals for NSString values. But with the release of the Apple LLVM 4.0 compiler, there are now literals for NSNumber, NSArray, and NSDictionary.

An NSString object initialized with the text inside the quotation marks.
@42 / @3.14 / @YES / @'Z'
An NSNumber object initialized with the adjacent value using the pertinent class constructor, such that @42[NSNumber numberWithInteger:42] and @YES[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]. (You can use suffixes to further specify type, like @42U[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:42U])
An NSArray object initialized with a comma-delimited list of objects as its contents. It uses the +arrayWithObjects:count: class constructor method, which is a more precise alternative to the more familiar +arrayWithObjects:.
An NSDictionary object initialized with key-value pairs as its contents using the format: @{@"someKey" : @"theValue"}.
A boxed expression using the appropriate object literal for the enclosed value (for example, NSString for const char*, NSNumber for int, and so on). This is also the designated way to use number literals with enum values.

Objective-C Literals

Selectors and protocols can be passed as method parameters. @selector() and @protocol() serve as pseudo-literal directives that return a pointer to a particular selector (SEL) or protocol (Protocol *).

Provides an SEL pointer to a selector with the specified name. Used in methods like -performSelector:withObject:.
Provides a Protocol * pointer to the protocol with the specified name. Used in methods like -conformsToProtocol:.

C Literals

Literals can also work the other way around, transforming Objective-C objects into C values. These directives in particular allow us to peek underneath the Objective-C veil to see what’s really going on.

Did you know that all Objective-C classes and objects are just glorified structs? Or that the entire identity of an object hinges on a single isa field in that struct?

For most of us, most of the time, this is an academic exercise. But for anyone venturing into low-level optimizations, this is simply the jumping-off point.

Provides the type encoding of a type. This value can be used as the first argument in NSCoder -encodeValueOfObjCType:at:.
Provides the layout of an Objective-C class. For example, struct { @defs(NSObject) } declares a struct with the same fields as an NSObject:


Some @ compiler directives provide shortcuts for common optimizations.

@autoreleasepool {}
If your code contains a tight loop that creates lots of temporary objects, you can use the @autoreleasepool directive to aggressively deallocate these short-lived, locally-scoped objects. @autoreleasepool replaces and improves upon the old NSAutoreleasePool, which was significantly slower and unavailable with ARC.
@synchronized(object) {}
Guarantees the safe execution of a particular block within a specified context (usually self). Locking in this way is expensive, however, so for classes aiming for a particular level of thread safety, a dedicated NSLock property or the use of low-level primitives like GCD are preferred.


When Apple introduces a new API, it’s typically available for the latest SDK only. If you want to start using these APIs in your app without dropping backward compatibility, you can create a compatibility alias.

For example, back when UICollectionView was first introduced in iOS 6, many developers incorporated a 3rd-party library called PSTCollectionView, which uses @compatibility_alias to provide a backwards-compatible, drop-in replacement for UICollectionView:

@compatibility_alias UICollectionViewController PSTCollectionViewController;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionView PSTCollectionView;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionReusableView PSTCollectionReusableView;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionViewCell PSTCollectionViewCell;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionViewLayout PSTCollectionViewLayout;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionViewFlowLayout PSTCollectionViewFlowLayout;
@compatibility_alias UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes PSTCollectionViewLayoutAttributes;
@protocol UICollectionViewDataSource <PSTCollectionViewDataSource> @end
@protocol UICollectionViewDelegate <PSTCollectionViewDelegate> @end

You can use the same approach today to strategically adopt new APIs in your app, alongside the next and final @ compiler directive in this week’s article:


Achieving backwards or cross-platform compatibility in your app can often feel like a high-wire act. If you so much as glance towards an unavailable class or method, it could mean curtains for your app. That’s why the new features in Clang 5.0 came as such a relief. Now developers have a compiler-provide safety net to warn them whenever an unavailable API is referenced for one of your supported targets.

Use in an if statement to have the compiler conditionally execute a code path based on the platform availability.

For example, if you wanted to use a fancyNewMethod in the latest version of macOS, but provide a fallback for older versions of macOS:

- (void)performCalculation {
  if (@available(macOS 10.15, *)) {
    [self fancyNewMethod];
  } else {
    [self oldReliableMethod];

Much like the familiar call of a warbler or the tell-tale plumage of a peacock, the @ sigil plays a central role in establishing Objective-C’s unique identity. It’s a versatile, power-packed character that embodies the underlying design and mechanisms of the language. So be on the lookout for its many faces as you wander through codebases, new or familiar.


Questions? Corrections? Issues and pull requests are always welcome.

Written by Mattt

Mattt (@mattt) is a writer and developer in Portland, Oregon.

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Programming is about typing. And programming languages are typically judged by how much they make you type — in both senses of the word.