Swift Collection Protocols

Swift has a well-designed and expansive suite of built-in collection types. Beyond Array, Dictionary, and the brand new Set types, the standard library provides slices, lazy collections, repeated sequences, and more, all with a consistent interface and syntax for operations. A group of built-in collection protocols—SequenceType, CollectionType, and several others—act like the steps on a ladder. With each step up, a collection type gains more functionality within the language and the standard library.

By conforming to these protocols, custom collection types can gain access to the same language constructs and powerful top-level functions we use with Array and Dictionary. This week we’ll explore these protocols: what they are, how to conform to them, and what benefits they can provide for your own custom collection types.

To demonstrate the different protocols, along the way we’ll build a new collection type, SortedCollection, which keeps its elements in ascending order for simple, always-sorted access. The implementation shown here is deliberately kept minimal—you can only create a collection and insert, remove, or find elements:

struct SortedCollection<T: Comparable> {
    private var contents: [T] = []

    init<S : SequenceType where S.Generator.Element == T>(_ sequence: S) {
        contents = sorted(sequence)

    func indexOf(value: T) -> Int? {
        let index = _insertionIndex(contents, forValue: value)
        if index >= contents.count {
            return nil
        return contents[index] == value ? index : nil

    mutating func insert(value: T) {
       contents.insert(value, atIndex: _insertionIndex(contents, forValue: value))

    mutating func remove(value: T) -> T? {
        if let index = indexOf(value) {
            return contents.removeAtIndex(index)
        return nil

// Note: _insertionIndex is a private function that returns the
// insertion point for a value in a sorted collection.

A complete implementation of SortedCollection is available as a framework.

Not too much there! Let’s see what kind of functionality we can add by conforming to a few of Swift’s collection protocols.

SequenceType / GeneratorType

The first two collection protocols are inextricably linked: a sequence (a type that conforms to SequenceType ) represents a series of values, while a generator (conforming to GeneratorType, of course) provides a way to use the values in a sequence, one at a time, in sequential order. The SequenceType protocol only has one requirement: every sequence must provide a generator from its generate() method.

A generator works by providing a single method, namely, next(), which simply returns the next value from the underlying sequence. next() will continue returning values until there are none left (), at which point it will return nil. Note that this may never comes to pass, since sequences aren’t necessarily finite.

Whenever you iterate over a sequence, Swift creates a generator and successively calls its next() method. The familiar code for element in myArray { ... } is in fact just a nice wrapper for this:

var generator = myArray.generate()
while let element = generator.next() {
    // do something

The relationship between the two protocols is asymmetrical. That is, every sequence has a generator, but only some generators are themselves also sequences (which they can become by returning themselves from their generate() method). Swift includes a whole host of generators, including one that is perfect for our SortedCollection case: the type-erasing GeneratorOf. GeneratorOf is initialized with either the next method implemented as a closure, or another generator:

extension SortedCollection : SequenceType {
    typealias Generator = GeneratorOf<T>

    func generate() -> Generator {
        var index = 0
        return GeneratorOf {
            if index < self.contents.count {
                return self.contents[index++]
            return nil

Ten lines of code later, we can now use SortedCollection with a dozen or so top-level functions, including the bedrock of the functional approach in Swift—reduce, map, and filter.

  • contains: Returns true if (1) a particular given element is found in the sequence or (2) an element satisfies the given predicate closure.
  • enumerate: Converts a sequence into a sequence of tuples, where each tuple is made up of a zero-based index and the value at that index in the sequence.
  • filter: Converts a sequence to an Array, keeping only the elements that match the given predicate closure.
  • join: Creates a collection from the sequence, with a given initial collection interposed between each element of the sequence. The initial element must be an ExtensibleCollectionType, described below.
  • lazy: Creates a “lazy sequence” from the given sequence. Subsequent calls to map, filter, and reverse on the sequence will be evaluated lazily—that is, until you access or iterate over the sequence, none of the transformations will be executed.
  • map: Converts a sequence to an Array after mapping each element with the transforming closure given.
  • maxElement: Returns the maximum value of a sequence of Comparable elements.
  • minElement: Returns the minimum value of a sequence of Comparable elements.
  • reduce: Given an initial value and a combining closure, this “reduces” a sequence to a single element through repeated calls to the closure.
  • sorted: Returns a sorted Array of the sequence’s elements. Sorting is automatically ascending for sequences of Comparable elements, or it can be based on a comparison closure.
  • startsWith: Returns true if one sequence starts with another sequence.
  • underestimateCount: Returns an underestimate of the number of elements in a sequence (SequenceTypes give no hints about length, so this will be zero for a sequence). Returns the actual count for CollectionType instances.
  • zip: Converts two sequences into a sequence of tuples, where each tuple is made up of one element from each sequence.

CollectionType / MutableCollectionType

A collection (a type that conforms to the next collection protocol, CollectionType) is a step beyond a sequence in that individual elements of a collection can be accessed multiple times via subscript. A type conforms by providing a subscripted getter for elements, then starting and ending index properties. No infinite collections here! A MutableCollectionType adds a setter for the same subscript.

Our SortedCollection can easily use Int for its index, so conforming to CollectionType is straightforward:

extension SortedCollection : CollectionType {
    typealias Index = Int

    var startIndex: Int {
        return 0

    var endIndex: Int {
        return count

    subscript(i: Int) -> T {
        return contents[i]

Subscripting should always be considered an O(1) operation. Types that can’t provide efficient subscripted lookups should move the time-consuming work to the process of generating.

Swift’s built-in String, for example, lost its Int-based subscripting in an early beta. Why? Strings in Swift are fully Unicode-aware, so each visible character may be made up of multiple codepoints. Jumping to an arbitrary index in a string as if it were just an array of characters could land you in the middle of a multi-codepoint sequence, requiring the slightly cumbersome but intuitively O(n) use of startIndex, endIndex, and advance().

Like SequenceType, there are a host of global functions that can operate on CollectionType instances. Now that the start and end of the collection are known, count, sort, and other finite operations become available as top-level functions:

  • count: Returns the number of elements in a collection.
  • find: Returns the first index of a given element in the collection, or nil if not found.
  • first: Returns the first element in the collection, or nil if the collection is empty.
  • indices: Returns a Range of the collection’s indices. Equivalent to c.startIndex..<c.endIndex.
  • isEmpty: Returns true if the collection has no elements.
  • last: Returns the last element in the collection, or nil if the collection is empty.
  • partition: The primary function used in a quick sort (a fast, memory-efficient sorting algorithm). partition reorders part of a collection and returns a pivot index, where everything below the pivot is equal to or ordered before the pivot, and everything above the pivot is equal to or ordered after. Partitioning can be based on a comparison closure if the collection’s elements themselves are not Comparable. Requires MutableCollectionType.
  • reverse: Returns an Array with the elements of the collection in reverse order.
  • sort: Sorts a collection in place, modifying the order of the existing collection. Requires MutableCollectionType.

Sliceable / MutableSliceable

Next up, Sliceable collections promise efficient slicing of a subrange of a collection’s elements. That is, getting a slice of a collection should not require allocating new memory for the selected elements. Again, the standard library guides us: Array and ContiguousArray are the two Sliceable types (besides, well, Slice), and both share their internal storage with their slices until a mutation occurs. This saves both memory and the time needed to allocate new storage for a temporary slice.

For SortedCollection to conform to Sliceable, we need to fulfill that same promise. Happily, we can reuse our embedded Array’s sliceability in a new SortedSlice type, this time based on a Slice<T> instead of an Array:

extension SortedCollection : Sliceable {
    typealias SubSlice = SortedSlice<T>

    subscript(range: Range<Int>) -> SortedSlice<T> {
        return SortedSlice(sortedSlice: contents[range])

// MARK: - SortedSlice

struct SortedSlice<T: Comparable> {
    private var contents: Slice<T> = []

    private init(sortedSlice: Slice<T>) {
        self.contents = sortedSlice

For other custom collections, Swift 1.2 provides a ManagedBufferPointer type and an isUniquelyReferenced function to help implement the copy-on-write behavior needed for efficient slicing.

Sliceable’s mutable counterpart, MutableSliceable, allows setting a slice’s new contents via subscripting a range of values. Again, mutating by index doesn’t comport with SortedCollections’s requirement to always maintain ascending order. However, none of the Sliceable-ready top-level functions requires mutability:

  • dropFirst: Returns a slice with all but the first element of the collection.
  • dropLast: Returns a slice with all but the last element of the collection.
  • prefix: Returns a slice with the first x elements of the collection or the whole collection if x is greater than the collection’s count.
  • split: Returns an Array of slices separated by elements that match the given isSeparator closure. Optional parameters: a maximum number of splits; a boolean indicating whether empty slices are allowed when consecutive separators are found.
  • suffix: Returns a slice with the last x elements of the collection or the whole collection if x is greater than the collection’s count.

ExtensibleCollectionType / RangeReplaceableCollectionType

Finally, collections that conform to ExtensibleCollectionType and RangeReplaceableCollectionType provide methods to modify the collection. ExtensibleCollectionType requires an empty initializer and three methods: append and extend, which add a single element and a sequence of elements, respectively, and reserveCapacity, which (hopefully) expands the collection’s internal storage to allow additions to the collection without repeatedly reallocating memory.

RangeReplaceableCollectionType requires six methods that replace or remove a range of elements: replaceRange(:with:), insert(:atIndex:), splice(:atIndex:), removeAtIndex(:), removeRange(:), and removeAll(). Conforming types have access to top-level functions that do largely the same:

  • extend: Appends the elements of a collection to a given range-replaceable collection.
  • insert: Inserts a new element into the collection at a particular index.
  • removeAll: Removes all elements from a collection, optionally preserving the collection’s internal capacity.
  • removeLast: Removes a single element from the end of a collection.
  • removeRange: Removes a range of elements from a collection.
  • splice: Inserts a sequence of elements at a particular index of a range-replaceable collection.

Sorting Out the Oscars

So let’s put all this to (popcultural) use. We haven’t added any methods to SortedCollection other than those required to conform to SequenceType, CollectionType, and Sliceable, but yet we’ve gained access to many powerful top-level functions.

We start with the guest list of an after-party for some of last night’s big winners at the Oscars:

let attendees = SortedCollection(["Julianne", "Eddie", "Patricia", "J.K.", "Alejandro"])

How many attendees? Using count:

println("\(count(attendees)) attendees")
// 5 attendees

Suppose I’d like the stars to line up alphabetically for a photo—how can I give them instructions? Using zip and dropFirst:

for (firstName, secondName) in zip(attendees, dropFirst(attendees)) {
    println("\(firstName) is before \(secondName)")
// Alejandro is before Eddie
// Eddie is before J.K.
// J.K. is before Julianne
// Julianne is before Patricia

Lastly, I need the names to be reformatted so I can use them as image file names. Using map:

let imageNames = map(attendees) { $0.lowercaseString }
        .map { $0.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet.alphanumericCharacterSet().invertedSet) }
        .map { "\($0).jpg" }
// alejandro.jpg
// eddie.jpg

Voila! A-list party!

Without a doubt, part of what makes Swift so fascinating to use is that the language seems largely self-defined. Browse through the standard library and you can see how each type is built—from Int and Double to Array, Dictionary, and the new Set. With an eye toward building more Swift-native types, follow Swift’s example in creating your own!


Questions? Corrections? Issues and pull requests are always welcome.

This article uses Swift version 1.2. Find status information for all articles on the status page.

Written by Nate Cook
Nate Cook

Nate Cook (@nnnnnnnn) is an independent web and application developer who writes frequently about topics in Swift, and the creator of SwiftDoc.org.

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