As We May Code

Chris Lattner often describes LLVM as a process of lowering.

Swift Compiler Architecture Diagram

You start at the highest level of abstraction, source code written in a programming language like Swift or Objective-C. That code is parsed into an abstract syntax tree, (AST), which is progressively transformed into lower-level, intermediate representations until it finally becomes executable binary.

What if, instead of lowering source code down for the purpose of execution, we raised source code for the purpose of understanding?

You could say that we already do this to some degree with syntax highlighting
(func f()func f()), structured editing, and documentation generation. But how far could we take it?

In this article, I’d like to share an idea that I’ve been kicking around for a while. It’s something that’s come into greater focus with my recent work on swift-doc, but first started to form during tenure in Apple Developer Publications, back in 2015.

The idea is this:
What if we took the lessons of the semantic web and applied them to source code?


  • Representation: Software components should be represented by a common, language-agnostic data format.
  • Addressability: Packages, modules, and their constituent APIs should each have a unique URL identifier.
  • Decentralization: Information should be distributed across a federated network of data sources, which can cross-reference one another by URL.

I grew up with the Internet, and got to see it, first-hand, go from an obscure technology to the dominant cultural force. So much of what I see in software development today reminds me of what I remember about the web from 20 years ago. And if you’ll forgive the extended wind-up, I think there’s a lot we can learn by looking at that evolution.

Web 1.0 The Web of Documents

Tim Berners-Lee launched the World Wide Web from a NeXT workstation 27 years ago. His vision for a globally-distributed, decentralized network of inter-connected documents gave rise to the Internet as we know it today. But it was also part of an intellectual tradition dating back to the 1940s, which includes Vannevar Bush’s Memex, Ted Nelson’s Xanadu, and Doug Engelbart’s Mother of All Demos.

In those early days, the knowledge being shared was primarily academic. As the userbase grew over time, so too did the breadth and diversity of the information available. And, for a time, that’s what the Internet was: fan sites for Sunbeam toasters, recipes for Neapolitan-style pizza, and the official website for the 1996 film Space Jam.

But the web of documents had limits.

If you wanted to shop for appliances, see the menu of a pizza shop, or get local showtimes for a movie, you might be able to do that on the early Internet. But you really had to work at it.

Back then, you’d start by going to a directory like Yahoo! or DMOZ, navigate to the relevant topic, and click around until you found a promising lead. Most of the time, you wouldn’t find what you were looking for; instead, you’d disconnect your modem to free up your landline and consult the yellow pages.

This started to change in the early ’00s.

Web 2.0 The Social Web

With Perl CGI and PHP, you could now easily generate web pages on-the-fly. This enabled eCommerce and the first commercial uses of the Internet.

After the ensuing dot-com bubble, you had technologies like Java applets and Flash bring a new level of interactivity to web sites. Eventually, folks figured out how to use an obscure API from Internet Explorer 5 to replicate this interactivity on normal webpages — a technique dubbed AJAX. Interacting with a page and seeing results live, without reloading a page? This was huge. Without that, social media might not have taken off as it did.

Anyway, the server-side APIs powering those AJAX interactions on the client, they were the secret sauce that let the Internet evolve into what it is today.

Remember mashups?

Thanks to all of these (often unsecured) AJAX endpoints, developers could synthesize information across multiple sources in ways that nobody had ever thought to do. You could get someone’s location from Fire Eagle, search for photos taken nearby on Flickr, and use MOO to print and deliver prints of them on-demand.

By the end of the decade, the rise of social networks and the early promise of mashups started to coalesce into the modern Internet.

Web 3.0 The Web of Data

The term “Web 3.0” didn’t catch on like its predecessor, but there’s a clear delineation between the technologies and culture of the web between the early and late ’00s.

It’s hard to overstate how much the iPhone’s launch in 2007 totally changed the trajectory of the Internet. But many other events played an important role in shaping the web as we know it today:

  • Google acquiring the company behind Freebase, giving it a knowledge graph to augment its website index.
  • Facebook launching Open Graph, which meant everything could now be “Liked” (and everyone could be targeted for advertisements).
  • Yahoo releasing SearchMonkey and BOSS, two ambitious (albeit flawed) attempts to carve out a niche from Google’s monopoly on search.
  • Wolfram launching Wolfram|Alpha, which far exceeded what many of us thought was possible for a question answering system.

The Internet always had a lot of information on it; the difference now is that the information is accessible to machines as well as humans.

Today, you can ask Google “Who was the first person to land on the moon?” and get an info box saying, “Commander Neil Armstrong”. You can post a link in Messages and see it represented by a rich visual summary instead of a plain text URL. You can ask Siri, “What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?” and hear back “I can’t get the answer to that on HomePod” About 25 miles per hour.

Think about what we take for granted about the Internet now, and try to imagine doing that on the web when it looked like this. It’s hard to think that any of this would be possible without the semantic web., Present Day The Spider and The Octocat

READMEs on today remind me of personal home pages on Geocities back in the Web 1.0 days.

Even with the standard coat of paint, you see an enormous degree of variance across projects and communities. Some are sparse; others are replete with adornment.

And yet, no matter what a project’s README looks like, onboarding onto a new tool or library entails, well reading.

GitHub offers some structured informational cues: language breakdown, license, some metadata about commit activity. You can search within the repo using text terms. And thanks to semantic / tree-sitter, you can even click through to find declarations in some languages.

But where’s a list of methods? Where are the platform requirements?
You have to read the README to find out! (Better hope it’s up-to-date 😭)

The modest capabilities of browsing and searching code today more closely resemble AltaVista circa 2000 than Google circa 2020. Theres so much more that we could be doing.

RDF Vocabularies The Owl and The Turtle

At the center of the semantic web is something called RDF, the Resource Description Framework. It’s a collection of standards for representing and exchanging data. The atomic data entity in RDF is called a triple, which comprises:

  • a subject (“the sky”)
  • a predicate (“has the color”)
  • an object (“blue”)

You can organize triples according to a vocabulary, or ontology, which defines rules about how things are described. RDF vocabularies are represented by the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

The ideas behind RDF are simple enough. Often, the hardest part is navigating its confusing, acronym-laden technology stack. The important thing to keep in mind is that information can be represented in several different ways without changing the meaning of that information.

Here’s a quick run-down:

An XML representation format for RDF graphs.
A JSON representation format for RDF graphs.
A plain text representation format for RDF graphs where each line encodes a subject–predicate–object triple.
A human-friendly, plain text representation format for RDF graphs. A superset of N-Triples, and the syntax used in SPARQL queries.
A query language for RDF graphs.

Defining a Vocabulary

Let’s start to define a vocabulary for the Swift programming language. To start, we’ll define the concept of a Symbol along with two subclasses, Structure and Function. We’ll also define a name property that holds a token (a string) that applies to any Symbol. Finally, we’ll define a returns property that applies to a Function and holds a reference to another Symbol.

@prefix : <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

:Symbol rdf:type owl:Class .

:name rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ;
      rdfs:domain :Symbol ;
      rdfs:range xsd:token .

:Structure rdfs:subClassOf :Symbol .
:Function rdfs:subClassOf :Symbol .

:returns rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ;
         rdfs:domain :Function ;
         rdfs:range :Symbol .

Parsing Code Declarations

Now consider the following Swift code:

struct Widget {  }

func foo() -> Widget {}
func bar() -> Widget {}

We can use SwiftSyntax to parse the code into an AST and SwiftSemantics to convert those AST nodes into a more convenient representation.

import SwiftSyntax
import SwiftSemantics

var collector = DeclarationCollector()
let tree = try SyntaxParser.parse(source: source)

collector.functions.first?.name // "foo()"
collector.functions.first?.returns // "Widget"

Combining this syntactic reading with information from compiler, we can express facts about the code in the form of RDF triples.

    "@context": {
        "name": {
            "@id": "",
            "@type": ""
        "returns": ""
    "symbols": [
            "@id": "E83C6A28-1E68-406E-8162-D389A04DFB27",
            "@type": "",
            "name": "Widget"
            "@id": "4EAE3E8C-FD96-4664-B7F7-D64D8B75ECEB",
            "@type": "",
            "name": "foo()"
            "@id": "2D1F49FE-86DE-4715-BD59-FA70392E41BE",
            "@type": "",
            "name": "bar()"

Encoding our knowledge into a standard format lets anyone access that information — however they like. And because these facts are encoded within an ontology, they can be validated for coherence and consistency. It’s totally language agnostic.

Querying the Results

With an RDF graph of facts, we can query it using SPARQL. Or, we could load the information into a graph database like Neo4j or a relational database like PostgreSQL and perform the query in Cypher or SQL, respectively.

    swift: <>
SELECT ?function ?name
    ?function a swift:Function ;
              swift:returns ?type ;
              swift:name ?name .
    ?type swift:name "Widget" .
ORDER BY ?function

Whichever route we take, we get the same results:

id name
4EAE3E8C-FD96-4664-B7F7-D64D8B75ECEB foo()
2D1F49FE-86DE-4715-BD59-FA70392E41BE bar()

Answering Questions About Your Code

“What can you do with a knowledge graph?” That’s kind of like asking, “What can you do with Swift?” The answer — “Pretty much anything” — is as true as it is unhelpful.

Perhaps a better framing would be to consider the kinds of questions that a knowledge graph of code symbols can help answer:

  • Which methods in Foundation produce a Date value?
  • Which public types in my project don’t conform to Codable?
  • Which methods does Array inherit default implementations from RandomAccessCollection?
  • Which APIs have documentation that includes example code?
  • What are the most important APIs in MapKit?
  • Are there any unused APIs in my project?
  • What’s the oldest version of iOS that my app could target based on my current API usage?
  • What APIs were added to Alamofire between versions 4.0 and 4.2?
  • What APIs in our app are affected by a CVE issued for a 3rd-party dependency?

The possibilities get even more interesting as you layer additional contexts by linking Swift APIs to different domains and other programming languages:

  • How is this Swift API exposed in Objective-C?
  • Who are the developers maintaining the packages that are pulled in as external dependencies for this project?
  • What’s the closest functional equivalent to this Swift package that’s written in Rust?

Future Applications The Promise of What Lies Ahead

Any fact becomes important when it’s connected to another.

Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum

Operating on code symbolically is more powerful than treating it as text. Once you’ve experienced proper refactoring tools, you’ll never want to go back to global find-and-replace.

The leap from symbolic to semantic understanding of code promises to be just as powerful. What follows are a few examples of potential applications of the knowledge graph we’ve described.

Flexible Search Queries

GitHub’s advanced search provides an interface to filter results on various facets, but they’re limited to metadata about the projects. You can search for Swift code written by @kateinoigakukun in 2020, but you can’t, for example, filter for code compatible with Swift 5.1. You can search code for the string “record”, but you can’t disambiguate between type and function definitions (class Record vs. func record()).

As we showed earlier, the kinds of queries we can perform across a knowledge graph are fundamentally different from what’s possible with a conventional faceted, full-text search index.

For example, here’s a SPARQL query to find the urls of repositories created by @kateinoigakukun and updated this year that contain Swift functions named record:

    swift: <>
    skos: <>
    sdo: <>
    ?function a swift:Function ;
              swift:name "record" ;
              skos:member ?repository .
    ?repository a sdo:SoftwareSourceCode ;
                sdo:contributor ?contributor;
                sdo:url ?url ;
                sdo:dateModified ?date .
    ?contributor a sdo:Person ;
                 sdo:username "kateinoigakukun" .
    FILTER (?date >= "2020-01-01")

Linked Documentation

When faced with missing or incomplete documentation, developers are left to search Google for blog posts, tutorials, conference videos, and sample code to fill in the gaps. Often, this means sifting through pages of irrelevant results — to say nothing of outdated and incorrect information.

A knowledge graph can improve search for documentation much the same as it can for code, but we can go even further. Similar to how academic papers contain citations, example code can be annotated to include references to the canonical APIs it interacts with. Strong connections between references and its source material make for easy retrieval later on.

Imagine if, when you option-click on an API in Xcode to get its documentation, you also saw a list of sample code and WWDC session videos? Or what if we could generate sample code automatically from test cases? Wouldn’t that be nice?

All of that information is out there, just waiting for us to connect the dots.

Automatic µDependencies

John D. Cook once observed, code reuse is more like an organ transplant than snapping LEGO blocks together. Fred Brooks similarly analogized software developers to surgeons in The Mythical Man-Month.

But that’s not to say that things can’t get better — it’d be hard to argue that they haven’t.

Web applications were once described in similar, organic terms, but that came to an end with the advent of containerization. Now you can orchestrate entire multi-cloud deployments automatically via declarative configuration files.

Before CPAN, the state of the art for dependency management was copy-pasting chunks of code you found on a web page. But today, package managers are essential infrastructure for projects.

What if, instead of organizing code into self-contained, modular chunks ourselves, we let software do it for us? Call it FaaD (Functions as a Dependency).

Say you want an implementation of k-means clustering. You might search around for “k-means” or “clustering” on GitHub and find a package named “SwiftyClusterAlgorithms” (😒), only to discover that it includes a bunch of functionality that you don’t need — and to add insult to injury, some of those extra bits happen to generate compiler warnings. Super annoying.

Today, there’s no automatic way to pick and choose what you need. (Swift import syntax (import func kMeans) is a lie) But there’s no inherent reason why the compiler couldn’t do this for you.

Or to go even further: If everything compiles down to web assembly, there’s no inherent requirement for that implementation of k-means — it could be written in Rust or JavaScript, and you’d be none the wiser.

At a certain point, you start to question the inherent necessity of software packaging as we know it today. Take it far enough, and you may wonder how much code we’ll write ourselves in the future.

Code Generation

A few months ago, Microsoft hosted its Build conference. And among the videos presented was an interview with Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI. A few minutes in, the interview cut to a video of Sam using a fine-tuned version of GPT-2 to write Python code from docstrings.

def is_palindrome(s):
    """Check whether a string is a palindrome"""
    return s == s[::-1] # ← Generated by AI model from docstring!

And that’s using a model that treats code as text. Imagine how far you could go with a priori knowledge of programming languages! Unlike English, the rules of code are, well, codified. You can check to see if code compiles — and if it does compile, you can run it to see the results.

At this point, you should feel either very worried or very excited.
If you don’t, then you’re not paying attention.

Taking Ideas Seriously The Shoemaker’s Children

The use of FORTRAN, like the earlier symbolic programming, was very slow to be taken up by the professionals. And this is typical of almost all professional groups. Doctors clearly do not follow the advice they give to others, and they also have a high proportion of drug addicts. Lawyers often do not leave decent wills when they die. Almost all professionals are slow to use their own expertise for their own work. The situation is nicely summarized by the old saying, “The shoe maker’s children go without shoes”. Consider how in the future, when you are a great expert, you will avoid this typical error!

Richard W. Hamming, “The Art of Doing Science and Engineering”

Today, lawyers delegate many paralegal tasks like document discovery to computers and doctors routinely use machine learning models to help diagnose patients.

So why aren’t we — ostensibly the people writing software — doing more with AI in our day-to-day? Why are things like TabNine and Kite so often seen as curiosities instead of game-changers?

If you take seriously the idea that AI will fundamentally change the nature of many occupations in the coming decade, what reason do you have to believe that you’ll be immune from that because you work in software? Looking at the code you’ve been paid to write over the past few years, how much of that can you honestly say is truly novel?

We’re really not as clever as we think we are.

Postscript Reflection and Metaprogramming

Today marks 8 years since I started NSHipster.

You might’ve noticed that I don’t write here as much as I once did. And on the occasions that I do publish an article, it’s more likely to include obscure historical facts and cultural references than to the obscure APIs promised by this blog’s tagline.

A few weeks out now from WWDC, I should be writing about DCAppAttestService, SKTestSession, SwiftUI Namespace and UTType. But here we are, at the end of an article about the semantic web, of all things…

The truth is, I’ve come around to thinking that programming isn’t the most important thing for programmers to pay attention to right now.

Anyway, I’d like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who reads the words I write. Thank you. It may be a while before I get back into a regular cadence, so apologies in advance.

Until next time, May your code continue to compile and inspire.

Written by Mattt

Mattt (@mattt) is a writer and developer in Portland, Oregon.

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