Article Status
The common swift (Apus apus) can travel at speeds over 100km/h. The Swift programming language — true to its name and namesake — is similarly fast-moving, frequently introducing new language features and syntax rules. As a result, some of our articles may become incorrect or outdated over time.
We do our best to keep things fresh, with new updates to existing articles made every week, and invite you to help us find and correct any mistakes you find by opening a new issue on our GitHub repository.
In the meantime, please consult the table below for guidance on when each of our articles was last updated, and which version of Swift it’s targeting:
Article | Swift Version | Last Review |
#pragma | n/a | October 1st, 2012 |
@ | January 6th, 2020 | |
AFNetworking 2.0 | n/a | September 16th, 2013 |
API Pollution in Swift Modules | 5.0 | February 18th, 2019 |
AVSpeechSynthesizer | 4.2 | August 8th, 2018 |
AddressBookUI | 1.1 | October 15th, 2012 |
Alamofire | 1.1 | August 4th, 2014 |
Apple Push Notification Device Tokens | 5.1 | September 16th, 2019 |
As We May Code | July 7th, 2020 | |
Associated Objects | n/a | February 10th, 2014 |
BOOL / bool / Boolean / NSCFBoolean | n/a | April 8th, 2013 |
Back Row | n/a | March 4th, 2013 |
Benchmarking | t.b.c. | May 19th, 2014 |
Bug Reporting | n/a | July 16th, 2018 |
Bundles and Packages | 4.2 | December 17th, 2018 |
C Storage Classes | n/a | March 18th, 2013 |
CAEmitterLayer | 5.0 | July 8th, 2019 |
CFBag | t.b.c | August 27th, 2012 |
CFStringTransform | 1.2 | August 6th, 2012 |
CMDeviceMotion | 4.2 | September 12th, 2018 |
CMMotionActivity | 4.2 | September 10th, 2018 |
CharacterSet | 4.2 | December 12th, 2018 |
Clang Diagnostics | n/a | June 16th, 2014 |
CloudKit | 2.0 | June 29th, 2015 |
CocoaPods | n/a | May 26th, 2014 |
Configuration Profiles | n/a | April 7th, 2014 |
Contact Tracing | 5.2 | April 13th, 2020 |
Core Data Libraries & Utilities | n/a | August 12th, 2015 |
Core Location in iOS 8 | 1.2 | June 24th, 2015 |
CoreGraphics Geometry Primitives | 5.0 | April 22nd, 2019 |
Cross-Pollination | April 22nd, 2020 | |
CustomPlaygroundDisplayConvertible | 4.2 | November 12th, 2018 |
Dark Mode on iOS 13 | 5.1 | September 2nd, 2019 |
DateComponents | 4.2 | October 10th, 2018 |
Device Identifiers and Fingerprinting on iOS | 5.1 | October 31st, 2019 |
Dictionary Services | 4.2 | March 10th, 2014 |
Empathy | n/a | March 17th, 2014 |
Equality | n/a | August 26th, 2013 |
Equatable and Comparable | 4.2 | December 19th, 2018 |
ExpressibleByStringInterpolation | 5.0 | February 4th, 2019 |
Extended File Attributes | t.b.c. | January 20th, 2014 |
FileManager | 4.2 | October 29th, 2018 |
Formatter | 5.1 | July 15th, 2019 |
GPUImage | n/a | May 6th, 2013 |
Guided Access | 5.0 | April 15th, 2019 |
Hashable / Hasher | 4.2 | August 13th, 2018 |
IBAction / IBOutlet / IBOutletCollection | t.b.c. | May 5th, 2014 |
IBInspectable / IBDesignable | 1.0 | February 2nd, 2015 |
Identifiable | 5.1 | August 26th, 2019 |
Image Resizing Techniques | 5.0 | May 6th, 2019 |
Inter-Process Communication | t.b.c. | October 17th, 2014 |
JavaScriptCore | 5.0 | February 25th, 2019 |
KVC Collection Operators | t.b.c. | August 12th, 2015 |
Key-Value Observing | t.b.c. | October 7th, 2013 |
KeyValuePairs | 5.1 | November 19th, 2019 |
Language Server Protocol | n/a | November 5th, 2018 |
Launch Arguments & Environment Variables |
n/a | October 21st, 2013 |
Locale | 4.2 | November 28th, 2018 |
LocalizedError, RecoverableError, CustomNSError | 5.0 | March 18th, 2019 |
Long Live Cocoa | 1.0 | January 12th, 2015 |
MKGeodesicPolyline | 2.0 | November 12th, 2015 |
MKLocalSearch | 2.0 | November 12th, 2015 |
MKTileOverlay, MKMapSnapshotter & MKDirections |
2.0 | November 12th, 2015 |
MapKit JS | 5.0 | March 11th, 2018 |
Message-ID and Deep Linking on iOS and macOS | 5.1 | November 4th, 2019 |
Method Swizzling | n/a | January 28th, 2015 |
MetricKit | 5.1 | October 21st, 2019 |
Mirror / CustomReflectable / CustomLeafReflectable | 4.2 | November 14th, 2018 |
Multipeer Connectivity | t.b.c. | December 9th, 2013 |
NLLanguageRecognizer | 4.2 | August 6th, 2018 |
NSAssertionHandler | n/a | February 25th, 2013 |
NSCache | 2.2 | April 10th, 2016 |
NSCalendar Additions | 1.2 | March 16th, 2015 |
NSCalendarUnitYear | 2.0 | September 9th, 2015 |
NSCoding / NSKeyedArchiver | 2.0 | September 15th, 2015 |
NSDataAsset | 4.2 | August 26th, 2018 |
NSDataDetector | 4.2 | August 29th, 2018 |
NSError | n/a | October 14th, 2013 |
NSExpression | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
NSFastEnumeration / NSEnumerator | n/a | July 1st, 2013 |
NSHashTable & NSMapTable | 2.0 | September 11th, 2015 |
NSHipster Quiz #1 | n/a | April 22nd, 2013 |
NSHipster Quiz #2 | n/a | June 12th, 2013 |
NSHipster Quiz #3 | n/a | July 31st, 2013 |
NSHipster Quiz #4 | n/a | October 28th, 2013 |
NSHipster Quiz #5 | n/a | May 12th, 2014 |
NSHipster Quiz #6 | n/a | June 3rd, 2014 |
NSHipster Quiz #7 | n/a | June 9th, 2015 |
NSHipster Quiz #8 | n/a | June 14th, 2016 |
NSIncrementalStore | 1.1 | September 8th, 2015 |
NSIndexSet | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
NSLinguisticTagger | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
NSLocalizedString | t.b.c. | January 21st, 2013 |
NSNotification & NSNotificationCenter |
2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
NSOperation | 2.0 | September 15th, 2015 |
NSOrderedSet | 2.0 | September 15th, 2015 |
NSPredicate | 4.2 | January 9th, 2019 |
NSRange | n/a | January 13th, 2014 |
NSScanner | 4.2 | March 2nd, 2015 |
NSSecureCoding | 1.1 | April 15th, 2013 |
NSSortDescriptor | 1.1 | July 24th, 2012 |
NSURL / NSURLComponents |
2.0 | September 9th, 2015 |
NSURLCache | 1.1 | February 11th, 2013 |
NSURLProtocol | n/a | November 5th, 2012 |
NSUUID / CFUUIDRef / UIDevice -uniqueIdentifier / -identifierForVendor |
1.1 | June 24th, 2013 |
NSUndoManager | 1.0 | December 15th, 2014 |
NSValue | t.b.c. | January 28th, 2013 |
NS_ENUM & NS_OPTIONS | n/a | November 19th, 2012 |
Namespacing | n/a | February 24th, 2014 |
Network Link Conditioner | n/a | September 9th, 2013 |
Never | 4.2 | July 30th, 2018 |
Object Subscripting | n/a | June 17th, 2013 |
Objective-C Direct Methods | December 16th, 2019 | |
Objective-C Documentation | n/a | August 5th, 2013 |
Ollama | 6.0 | February 14th, 2025 |
OptionSet | 4.2 | November 7th, 2018 |
Optional, throws, Result, async/await | 5.0 | April 29th, 2019 |
PHImageManager | 2.0 | September 15th, 2015 |
Password Rules / UITextInputPasswordRules | 4.2 | July 23rd, 2018 |
Quick Look Debugging | 1.2 | March 30th, 2015 |
RawRepresentable | 5.1 | January 29th, 2020 |
ReactiveCocoa | n/a | February 18th, 2013 |
Reader Submissions - New Year's 2013 |
n/a | January 1st, 2013 |
Reader Submissions - New Year's 2014 |
n/a | January 1st, 2014 |
Reader Submissions - New Year's 2015 |
1.0 | January 1st, 2015 |
Reader Submissions - New Year's 2016 |
2.1 | January 4th, 2016 |
Regular Expressions in Swift | 5.0 | February 11th, 2019 |
Search Kit | 2.0 | November 24th, 2015 |
Secret Management on iOS | 5.1 | November 12th, 2019 |
Static and Dynamic Callable Types in Swift | 5.2 | February 12th, 2020 |
Stewardship | n/a | January 27th, 2014 |
Swift & the Objective-C Runtime | 2.0 | September 19th, 2015 |
Swift 1.2 | 1.2 | February 9th, 2015 |
Swift API Availability | 5.1 | December 10th, 2019 |
Swift Code Formatters | 5.0 | May 20th, 2019 |
Swift Collection Protocols | 1.2 | February 23rd, 2015 |
Swift Default Protocol Implementations | 1.2 | September 2nd, 2014 |
Swift Development with Visual Studio Code | 5.2 | November 19th, 2018 |
Swift Documentation | 4.2 | July 11th, 2018 |
Swift GYB | 4.2 | July 9th, 2018 |
Swift Import Declarations | 4.2 | January 7th, 2019 |
Swift Literals | 4.2 | August 18th, 2014 |
Swift Logging | 5.2 | March 26th, 2020 |
Swift Operators | 4.2 | October 3rd, 2018 |
Swift Program Distribution with Homebrew | n/a | December 3rd, 2018 |
Swift Property Observers | 4.2 | August 20th, 2018 |
Swift Property Wrappers | 5.1 | June 24th, 2019 |
Swift System Version Checking | 4.0 | October 6th, 2014 |
SwiftSyntax | 4.2 | October 22nd, 2018 |
SwiftUI Previews on macOS Catalina and Xcode 11 | 5.1 | October 14th, 2019 |
Temporary Files | 4.2 | March 3rd, 2014 |
TextOutputStream | 4.2 | January 21st, 2019 |
The Death of Cocoa | 1.0 | December 29th, 2014 |
TimeInterval, Date, and DateInterval | 4.2 | October 8th, 2018 |
Type Encodings | n/a | February 4th, 2013 |
UIAccessibility | n/a | September 10th, 2012 |
UIActivityViewController | 4.2 | December 5th, 2018 |
UIAlertController | 1.0 | September 30th, 2014 |
UIAppearance | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
UIApplicationDelegate launchOptions | t.b.c. | December 16th, 2013 |
UICollectionView | 2.0 | September 9th, 2015 |
UIFieldBehavior | 4.2 | September 24th, 2018 |
UIKeyCommand | 2.0 | July 27th, 2015 |
UILocalizedIndexedCollation | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
UIMenuController | 2.0 | September 8th, 2015 |
UIPrintInteractionController | 1.0 | November 17th, 2014 |
UISplitViewController | 4.2 | September 26th, 2018 |
UIStackView | 5.0 | July 1st, 2019 |
UITableViewHeaderFooterView | 5.0 | April 8th, 2019 |
UITextChecker | 4.2 | April 25th, 2016 |
Unit Testing | n/a | May 27th, 2013 |
Unmanaged | 1.2 | April 13th, 2015 |
ValueTransformer | 4.2 | October 17th, 2018 |
Void | 4.2 | October 31st, 2018 |
WKWebView | 4.2 | July 25th, 2018 |
WWDC 2019 | 5.🤔 | June 12th, 2019 |
WWDC 2020 | June 26th, 2020 | |
WatchKit | 1.0 | December 1st, 2014 |
XCPlayground | 1.2 | May 11th, 2015 |
XCTestCase / XCTestExpectation / measureBlock() |
1.2 | June 25th, 2015 |
Xcode Build Configuration Files | 5.2 | February 27th, 2020 |
Xcode Key Bindings & Gestures | n/a | September 30th, 2013 |
Xcode Plugins | n/a | April 14th, 2014 |
Xcode Snippets | n/a | September 2nd, 2013 |
XcodeKit and Xcode Source Editor Extensions | 5.0 | March 25th, 2019 |
__attribute__ | n/a | January 14th, 2013 |
bless | November 25th, 2019 | |
guard & defer | 4.2 | August 1st, 2018 |
iCloud | 1.1 | April 1st, 2013 |
iOS 12 | 4.2 | September 17th, 2018 |
iOS 13 | 5.1 | September 23rd, 2019 |
iOS 7 | 2.0 | September 12th, 2015 |
iOS 8 | 2.0 | September 12th, 2015 |
iOS 9 | 2.0 | June 22nd, 2015 |
instancetype | n/a | December 10th, 2012 |
macOS Accessibility Keyboard | n/a | August 12th, 2019 |
macOS Character Viewer | 4.2 | December 10th, 2018 |
macOS Dynamic Desktop | 4.2 | October 1st, 2018 |
nil / Nil / NULL / NSNull | n/a | January 7th, 2013 |
numericCast(_:) | 4.2 | October 15th, 2018 |
op run | 6.0 | January 1st, 2025 |
rand(3) / random(3) / arc4random(3) / et al. | t.b.c. | August 12th, 2013 |
simctl | n/a | November 26th, 2018 |
swift-sh | 4.2 | January 14th, 2019 |
xctool | n/a | November 4th, 2013 |
Pay | 1.0 | December 8th, 2014 |